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Osho Tarot Zen -Turning In

The "Turning In" card in the Osho Zen Tarot is a richly symbolic representation that captures the theme of introspection, mind observation, and the quest for inner tranquility. The image features a woman with a subtle smile on her face, which denotes her attitude of serenity and acceptance towards the events occurring within her mind.

The depiction of the woman watching the juggling of the mind is powerful in its simplicity. She does not engage with the arising thoughts, does not judge them, nor tries to control them. Instead, she adopts a stance of detachment and observation, as if witnessing an entertaining performance. This reflects the essence of meditation, not as a practice of mantra repetition, but as an act of pure contemplation, where the mind is observed as if it belonged to someone else.

The woman on the card embodies the idea that by becoming mere observers of our thoughts, we gain a powerful tool to free ourselves from the binds of the mind. She represents the ability to break away from the compulsion to follow each emerging thought, each arising desire. Through this practice, we achieve a deep understanding that incessant desires only lead to dissatisfaction and a relentless pursuit for more.

The setting of the card is also significant. The woman is seated under a tree, symbolizing growth and connection with the roots of existence. The tree also represents the inner journey, from the surface of the mind to the depths of consciousness. The flowing water around her evokes the fluidity of the mind, the constant ripples of thoughts. She does not cling to these ripples, but observes them calmly.

This card also highlights the importance of meditation and self-contemplation. It reminds us that the goal of meditation is not to repeat mantras or affirmations, but to observe thoughts as if they belonged to another person, without judgment or attachment. By doing so, we can develop a profound understanding of the nature of the mind and the way desires affect us.

The subtle smile on the woman's face illustrates her wisdom and acceptance. She understands that the juggling of the mind is not to be taken seriously or followed blindly. The card invites us to find that ability to smile at tumultuous thoughts, recognizing their ephemeral and illusory nature.

"Turning In" is a card of reminder and invitation. It reminds us of the importance of slowing down, observing our thoughts, and finding inner stillness. The invitation to "Turn In" is an opportunity to cultivate genuine contentment, to transcend the incessant pursuit of external desires and find fulfillment within ourselves.

All journeys are journeys outward - there is no inward journey. How can you travel inside yourself? You are already there; it makes no sense to go. When moving ceases, the journey disappears; but when no more desires cloud your mind, you are inside. This is what is called turning inward. But it is not about moving at all, it is simply about not going out.

In summary, what this card proposes is that you become your own observer.

As an exercise for this card, I suggest that from this moment on, you observe your actions as if you were in a theater, sitting in the audience, watching yourself play your role. Observe your gestures, the tone of your voice, the words you say, the images you build while interacting in a relationship. But observe calmly, without judging, condemning, or accusing. With the same look that this woman displays in this card. Nothing disturbs her calm. She just watches, without participating.

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